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Get Folder size quickly using PowerShell

Use the below PowerShell to  Get Folder size quickly, Install-Module -Name GetSTFolderSize  Get-StFolderSize -Path "C:\FolderPath\ABC" -RoboOnly -RoboThreadCount 128
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Populate people picker field with logged in user in SharePoint using JS

Please use below code to populate people picker in SharePoint online, <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(function () { setTimeout(function () { SetUserFieldValue('AuthorName'); }, 1000); }, 'clientpeoplepicker.js'); //Set PeoplePicker Value function SetUserFieldValue(fieldName) { try{ var userAccountName = _spPageContextInfo.userLoginName; //PeoplePicker Object var peoplePicker = $("div[title='" + fieldName + "']"); //PeoplePicker ID var peoplePickerTopId = peoplePicker.attr('id'); //People PickerEditor var peoplePickerEditor = $("input[title='" + fieldName + "']"); //Set Value to Editor peoplePickerEditor.val(userAccountName); //Get Client PeoplePicker Dict var peoplePickerObject = SPClientPeoplePicke...

Select and Delete text vertically in bigger text OR flat file

If you want to Select and Delete text vertically in bigger text OR any flat file use below command to do it. Example below: A BCEDF CDEFTS CEDDPR TEXT Sample My Data Keep the cursor at first line character which you want to delete and press keys CTRL+ALT+SHIFT and select the contents using mouse and press delete button. This trick also can be used to delete characters in middle of text as below, Hope this helps!

How Internet Bots Works?

What is bot? An internet robot or simply a bot is a software application that runs automated scripts on the web. How it works? Typically bots perform tasks that are simple and structurally repetitive at a much higher rate than what is possible for human being. So one single bot can handle queries(in whatever format like voice, chat OR Email) of hundreds of customers at the same time. Companies don't want their bots to sound too mechanical or business-like so we need to do a lot of cultural adaption in bots. Machine Learning and Artificial Intellingence (AI) form the underlying base of bots. For businesses to start their bots programme, they should collect a lot of customer related data. This fragmented data is used to populate the knowledge bank servers. Bots which understand behavior pattern will be able to pick "odd" transaction requests like humans do. Most of the Social Media platforms are using bots for most common activities. Below is the pictorial exp...

EnableVersioning at site collection level

We can use the bele PowerShell script to enable versioning at site collection level, Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $web = get-spweb " site coll url " $lists = $web . lists foreach ( $list in $lists ) {     if ( $list . EnableVersioning -eq $false )     {          write-host $list . title " is a not using versions"          $list . Enableversioning = $true          $List . MajorVersionLimit = 5          $list . update()     }     else     {          Write-host $list . title " is set for up to " $list . MajorVersionLimit "previous versions"     } }